Thursday, November 27, 2008
Other than the fact that that Robert Pattinson is goddamned smoking hot.
I was right.
He was hot as Cedric Diggory; he is way way hotter as Edward Cullen in Twilight.
So hot.
So so hot.
His 'dad', the original vampire who turned him, Dr. Cullen is damned hot too. I mean, he got the whole cinema going "Awwww!" "Whoa..." and I'm sure all the gals went "KYAAAA~" in their hearts yeah? And all he did was walk through the hospital doors in a lab coat, k? I never knew lab coats could look so smexy on a guy... XD
Other than that... Twilight was dead. There. I typed it. Twilight is dead; it has a lame plot, meaningless scenes(good only for us gals who wanna see edward more), and I dunno, it felt rather empty. I hope the book's better. =p
But hey, we're only ever there in the first place for Edward and his dad, yeah?
Monday, November 24, 2008
5 Things Tag
All thanks to The Guy Who's Gonna Tattoo Our Family Reunion Photos On His Back Each Year Till, I Dunno, Reaches His Buttocks Or Something... a.k.a. my cousin Terry. (I am so digging my own grave...)
5 Things Tag
10 years ago I was :
* one of the tallest girl in class. Now no more. So sad. Er-HEM, moving on...
* in primary school.
* a bossy prefect. I regret that now, thinking back.
* a loner. =(
* saving up my daily 20 cents just to buy ONE keropok lekor, which was 30 cents, every two days. Yes, I agree; that is sad. Never occured to me to ask for a raise.
5 years ago I was :
* in Form 3; got my 7 A's. =)
* supposed to sew patterns and one stupid button on a piece of cloth for Living Skills. I never did it, and the teacher never asked me for it. >:D
* very very happy to leave Geography and Living Skills behind. (I chose the Science stream)
* hormonally imbalanced. Had crushes on several guys; nothing ever happened. LOL...
* in the school gamelan team. I miss those times; we were THE BEST in our district! THE BEST!! XD
1 year ago I was :
* still a teen in chronological reckonings. In my heart, I'm still one; major Peter Pan complex, remember?
* introduced to the crazy, crazy life of university students.
* an idiot. Made a huge mistake.
* convinced I would end up contented and single till I die. Part of me still is. =p
Yesterday I was :
* watching Coffee Prince with my 3rd sister till 4am; yes, I got her hooked on the soap drama... *rolls eyes* She's more excited about it than me; she calls it 'korean-crisis'. I just dig the Korean/Japanese waffle guy. XD
* unable to shi- erm, use the upstairs toilet because the water supply was out.
* very very happie whenever I look at my three new books I got from Borders, Singapore for 40% discount for one and 10% for the others. Finished Warpsword; A Tale Of Malus Darkblade already. I'm reading Tales of Earthsea now. Whieeee~!!! XD XD
* unsure whether I should bathe my dog Shadow yet or not. I'll have to do it tomorrow..
* not doing anything else of much import, apparently, 'cause I can't recall anything significant to put down here. =_="
5 most recent songs I listen to :
* Disturbia by Rihanna
* Closer by Ne-Yo
* Transylvania by McFly
* Tifa's Theme from FF Advent Children; trying to play it.
* Oh Timberland by duh, Timberland.
5 songs I know the words to :
* Pulangkan by Misha Omar & Izzad Izzudin
* May It Be by Enya
* Sunny by Bunga C. Lestari
* Shadow Of The Day by Linkin Park
* Kiss From A Rose by Seal
5 ideal places to run away to :
* Into a really good book.
* The realm of Hypnos; He and I are well-aquainted. =p
* Neverland. Peter, where are you?; I'm ready. =p
* Ouran Host Club. You will not be able to stop laughing there.
* The sea. Just me on a small white sailboat which will never fail me; we will drift wherever the wind wills us, under the stars and sun.
5 items I really want :
* Knee-length boots that'll look good on me.
* The book Starless Night in The Legends Of Drizzt series.
* A real life-sized katana. Lol.
* Eyeliner, mascara and a nude-coloured lipstick. But I don't know how to use the first two... =__="
* Time. Time. Time. Time. When I need it, and when I don't want it.
5 things i should be doing now :
* Sleeping.
* According to my 3rd sister, 'watching the last two episodes of Coffee Prince so we can be done and over with it!'
* Changing into my pajamas.
* Brushing my teeth.
* Eating something; I'm hungry... =(
5 biggest joys in life :
* I passed my exam with better results than I dared hope. ^_^ Must work harder though.
* My family. They may be a PAIN IN THE NETHER REGIONS sometimes, but they're mine to love and annoy; and face it, I'm stuck with the lot of them. =p
* Music. I am blessed to have been able to play some beautiful instruments.
* My extended family, the people I call my friends. I love you all! =)
* Learning, bit by bit. Life is beautiful; and it's all mine to taste and share.
5 people im tagging :
* Tristan Ng.
* Kieran Ng.
* Jacqueline Lai.
* Beatrix Ong.
* Anyone else?
Done. Now I'm gonna have to give in and start Coffee Prince. =__="
Till next time, dudes and dudettes.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Short Tag, Long Comments
1. Do you think you're hot?
............................sometimes. =___=" I suspect it has to do with my hormone cycles... Haha! I don't dwell on it though. I'm no looker but I ain't a hag either. =) And I'm happy the way I am. =) If I feel not-so-pretty, I ignore the mirror. It works. XD
2. Upload your favourite picture of you.
3. Why do you like that picture?
'cause it' not there. =D
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Yesterday! whoot! We came back late from Singapore so we ordered Shakey's. YUM.
5. The last song you listened to?
Hot & Cold by Katy Perry. Not bad.
6. What are you doing now besides this?
Planning my next post and sending mails.
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
Mrs. Legolas. LOL. Nah, I like my name well enough.
People to tag: (ignore me if you want; I don't mind)
1. Jacqueline Lai
2. Tristan Ng
3. Kay!!
4. Beatrix Ong
5. ....Akeda. =__=" I ran out of people.
8. Who is number one?
A person whose hand and pencil give birth to colonies and colonies and COLONIES of 'ants' on her lecture papers. She can draw really REALLY well; she gave me Neiji's and Sephiroth's portraits. Only thing is, she keeps flashing me with pictures of guys I don't know on her hp. An absolute treasure tho, this one. =D
9. Number 3 is having a relationship with?
A hawt, tall, sexy Aussie hunk. LOL! I don't know; don't kill me Kay!!! XD
10. Say something about number five.
He's my plushie doggie who is, surprisingly, very popular with my girlfriends. I think he's getting more smug by the day, that unfaithful big-nosed ball of synthetic fur...
11. How about number four?
She kicked- no, LANDED on my chest with her two size 8 feet on this day exactly one year ago. Yeah, I HAVEN'T FORGOT. Imagine, you're sleeping peacefully on the floor (with a mattress between) on your back, spread-eagled, when... WHAM! Your sister jumps off her bed onto YOU. Ah, memories.... D:<
12. Who is number two?
A bloody taugeh king. He was, WAS, shorter than me one year, then the next, BOOM, he's like a coconut tree next to me. You'd think someone stretched him out or something... T_T
Okay, tag done!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tooooouch Dooooown~!
Oousss-sah baby!
Next year the number of Library Funguses in uni will increase.
There will be at least, an extra red, woolly one.
Guess who?
Too bad I'm not at uni to collect it. =p
I called, but they refused to tell me my results. Come on, how difficult can it be? Just look at the damn paper and speak into the telephone receiver. Jeez.
They said they'd email it to me. Wow, it must be one of those high-tech emails; so super and cool till I CAN'T SEE IT. Grrrr....
Congrats to those who passed though! =)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Penguin I Am Not
What's so important, you ask? Why risk my life and endure my hated enemy; the extreme cold?
(I tell you, when I go overseas to study, I'm gonna resemble a snowman with all the layers and layers of sweaters, scarves, mittens, gloves, jackets, and cloth I will have on... who knows, there might be a mini heater somewhere under all the cloth; hey, if I could I WILL.)
Because of my sister and my cravings for manga. =p LOL. Manga'll be the death of me.
I was trying to finish up my printing credits earlier on by printing out music score sheets -I still have RM12.10 left!- until I ran out of paper. Oh bummer. So I decided to download some manga that demands downloading. Heh heh heh.. now I've got several volumes of Eyeshield 21 and Hitman Reborn stashed away for the holidays... XD Hmm... ithink I should start on Naruto too... I've neglected him for awhile now...
Oh. OH. My fingers are numb. Okay, I'm gonna run out and thaw my fingers now...
Dubious Flight
I'm so relieved and glad. But I am worried and sad too. It was tough. Tough for me 'cause they asked really really detailed questions where if you didn't know, you DON'T know, and no amount of crapping can save you. And the best part is, they asked NO PHARMACOLOGY questions... which was good, in as I usually suck there; but I MUGGED LIKE HELL ON IT THIS TIME!!! WTH!!!!! They had to ask on Behaviorial Sciences; fine with me. BUT WHY CHOOSE AN OSCURE STRESS MODEL THAT EVERYONE SKIPS???
Gah. What's done is DONE. So I'll just pray hard. TT_TT
You pray for me too, 'k?
Friday, October 31, 2008
That's all.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Do you people not know the value of silence ?
Here I sit in the library, where silence is supposed to reign supreme. Yet I am constantly irritated by chattering whispers and not-so-soft laughter. Yeah, you. Laugh, LAUGH sommore lah. We'll see who's laughing when I BITE YOUR HEAD OFF. D:<
Do you people NOT care about others???
It's bad enough with the fiasco at the museum, which is also located IN the library, but now has the atmospheric quality of a night market. Must you irresponsible, unconsiderate people take your noise everywhere?? There ARE places called DISCUSSION ROOMS and PBL ROOMS, you know.
This makes me wish for those huge libraries in monasteries where silence is truly appreciated and respected.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
A white spark.
Brightened up my day... =D
KL Aquaria
Anyways, it was cool! Bring your family there for a trip out; just leave your kids at home if you can't control their behaviour and you know they're gonna cry the whole time, and also don't bother to come if you're an inconsiderate asshole who will oogle at exhibits while your tall, wide frame blocks the whole glass out of others' view; move away if there's another person behind you (especially kids) who wants to see. If you truly adhere to the simple rules; I thank you deeply. =) You're a really nice person. If you are those who don't; EFF you. You don't deserve to share a planet with the former group.
Okay. Rant over.
I'll post some of the better pictures here. =)
It has the word 'Bumblebee' somewhere in its name. Honest!
Baby turtle!!! It was floating around, asleeep~ Very adorable.
There were two turtles in this pool; this one was the diva. It kept coming towards us for more pictures. XD
This adorable clownfish was nuzzling the coral so tenderly... I was strangely touched by its affection towards its home; something we should emulate.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
When the second story started, 'Goblin Cat', I was pleasantly surprised. XD You see, the medicine man is a bishounen! LOL, I have a good reason to continue watching Ayakashi now.
Nice way they used to censor out violence though. XD
Bake Neko!!! When they mentioned this, I thought of Casanova-kun from Ouran... XD
Can't wait for the next epi!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
15 Things Tag
RULE: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits / things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.NO TAG backs!
Little Things Known About Me
1. I tend to stare into the bathroom mirror at night. And smile.
2. I don't like the way I turn out in photos; I believe I'm just not photogenic. I'm better in real life, not in reel life. =) I actually would LIKE to camwhore, but I got very disheartened at the resulting photos, so I don't really camwhore now; unless I'm with my family. When I'm with them, my zany poses all spill out; our new year photos are evidence enough of that.
3. I get depressed when I shop for clothes. It's so tiring.
4. I've had several crushes in secondary school and still carry some on till today, though I have lost contact with the said targets. LOL.
5. I don't have a crush on anyone in my uni right now. Is that weird? There ARE cute/hawt guys in my uni, but I don't think of them anymore than mere eyecandies... XD
Sadly, NONE of them look like this. =(
6. I have killer morning breath. Do NOT, on any account, approach me right after I wake up from a long sleep. I can knock out a bear with just a gentle puff, lol. There, YOU WERE WARNED.
7. I have a thing about bathing. I find myself reluctant to get in the shower, but then, when I'm already in it, I get reluctant to leave. So I figure I'm just too lazy to take off my clothes and then put them on all again. But I'm NOT going to be a nudist; that would cause mass hysteria/blindness and I don't deal well with cold.
8. I can spend hours in the toilet upon the porcelain throne. I'm trying not to anymore now.
9. I have been betrayed before. The pain is still there; like a stab that won't heal.
10. I love slow, sad, haunting songs that my friends say sound creepy/scary. I don't know why. My current fave is Misha Omar's Pulangkan. Loved it way before I found out it was from the Pontianak Sundal Harum Malam movie; still do anyways. =D
11. I've never had a part-time job. Lousy, yeah?
12. I've never been to a nightclub/disco. NEVER EVER. I hope to in the future, just to know how it feels like. =)
13. I've never climbed a tree. I wanna! It looks fun!!! >w< !!
What if THIS comes at you, huh? HUH??
15. I think I'm too passive these days. LOL.
So there you have it. I tag :
And since I don't have anyone else to tag, (Joyce Toh got tagged by Kor Kor) you guy must do the tag TWICE to make up the 10 people-to-tag quota. XD
Gambatte people!!! I wanna see what you list!
Okay, back to studying. =__=
Friday, October 17, 2008
Just did my summative yesterday, and it was better than I expected! =D
Too bad it doesn't count...
Lots of Parasito & Microbio questions tho... O_O In the exam, I kept turning the pages and was like, "Shit, stop already!! Where's the Pharmaco (which I slogged over)questions??"
In the end there were only 4 Pharmaco questions. WTH. I always seem to concentrate and study the part where the LEAST questions are asked. Wonderful...
Anyways, there's only less than 3 weeks to The Big One. Gotta make this work! =)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Oh Woe Is ME
And it ain't very flattering about me. =__="
You see, I was told that I am a Wednesday's child; I was born on that day. And out of all the seven children, I HAD to be The Worrier.
Monday's child is beautiful, Tuesday's child is graceful, Thursday's child will travel a lot, Friday's child is generous, Saturday's child is hardworking, and Sunday's child is supposedly an angel.
I think that us Wednesdays' got the short end of the stick here; everybody else gets good virtues tacked onto 'em, but all I do is worry? Talk about fairness and luck. =__="
It ain't fair I tell you.
Sigh... I have exams coming up. TT_TT
Some bloody Idiot is throwing empty cans out of his/her balcony. Aaah, the sudden sound of empty tin cans clanking on the ground is sooooo pleasing. Yes, I can totally concentrate better- thanks, you who lives above my second floor. *Die of impotence and cirrhosis, you inconsiderate alcoholic litterbug.*
I still have a lot to cover. And the hated clock is ticking...
But I discovered I work well under stress. Then again, RAWR, I can't continue rushing stuff like this no more. =( So, wish me luck and perserverence, people! I WILL GET THROUGH MY EXAMS! Cos I promised myself a reward when I do...
I wanted to follow the Ayakashi series and got all geared up for the second episode at 11.30pm today (yesterday, Sunday). When I turned the tv on at exactly 11.30pm and started watching... I realised something was off.
The storyline had jumped! WTF? From the way things were going, I realised that I had missed episode 2! jgajsghfiluglksfghdflkgdslkfjgndslfkjgnshdlfkjghsdfklghadflg GRRAARGH.
So I went to consult the Astro book; and dang-god-dammit, it seems that the 2nd episode aired at 11pm!! kjhdslkfhsdlfkashdflkjahdsflkjahsddflkjsahdlkfhsadklhsdlkfhsldkhsd GRRAAAAARRRGHH!!
Ah, whatever. I somewhat kinda picked up on what happened in episode 2 in episode 3. So next time I shall wait and watch at 11pm. =)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lies and Vengence
I actually want to watch the 3rd story the most. I saw someone cosplay a character from it before (I couldn't for the life of me figure out who the person was cosplaying, unitl I saw the trailer for Ayakashi -one of those "OMG it's HIM the strange dude was trying to portray!" moments...)
They say curiosity killed the cat.
Wish me luck... I hope I can sleep tonight...
*half an hour later...*
... that's it? Ah, well. It's only the first episode. The characters had slitted eyes; like those in the old japanese art. Quite disturbing events happening... and it's just the opening act.
Next episode is next week; 11.30pm, Sunday. I hope I will be able to watch it too. =)
Friday, September 26, 2008
I found it very smexy. =p
Simple and sweet. =)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Harry Potter and Naruto Crossovers?
And I think the fight cheorographer who arranged the fight scene between Dumbledore and Voldy must have at some point, watched/read Naruto. Here's why :
1. Dumbledore and Voldy start off with some kinda joined-light-sabre thingy. When Voldy snaps his wand around, bolts of electricity branches out; resembles Kakashi's Chidori. Even the colour matches.
2. Voldy breathes out a fireball. With a snake coming out. Resembles a souped-up version of Sasuke's fireball technique plus an added Orochimaru-influenced incentive. Cool uppercut response by Dumbledore, tho. He must not like snakes very much.
3. Dumbledore traps Voldy in a water globe; Doesn't just resemble, it IS Zabuza's Water Prison.
4. Voldy then shoots some kinda dark wave (which resembles swarms of Shino's chakra bugs, if you squint; Dumbledore's counter spell looked like a shield of bug spray...) followed by a ball of power/air. Again, it's SO Naruto's Rasengan.
5. Voldy has flabby, pale underarms. Ugh. >__<
6. Voldy summons all the broken glass and hurls it at Dumbledore who refines them into dust. Resembles Gaara's sand, does it not? Glass IS made of sand...
7. Also, they teleport too much. Like ninjas, no?
8. And Voldy uses mind techniques on Harry; resembles Ino's right? =p
I could go on, I guess. But I'm tired. Go watch yourself and list down other similarities I missed lah. =)
Maybe in the next movie we will see spells with similar effects to those in Bleach??
Hyped up about the Bleach musicals I watched. Bankai! =)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The One Standing In The Heavens
I dreamt that I was facing off against Aizen. O.O
There were two ninja-like people with me who really really resembled Naruto (he was very loud and annoying) and Sasuke (he brooded a lot, lol).
We were scared stiff altough Aizen was just smiling at us, and there was this sense of feeling that we were gonna lose bad. Like, there was no competition and Aizen was gonna kick our butts without even breaking into a sweat...
And strangely, I was damn happy. =___="
Lol, I guess I really do like Aizen... XD
So, this dream reminded me of a quiz I took some time ago. =)
What the Bleach Characters Think of You (For girls only...unless you're gay) by Nasuki
Company you are in : 1
Your boyfriend : Aizen Sousuke
How much he likes you : 46%
How much you like him : 15% (I hide my true feelings? =p)
How will he die : He dies saving you
How will you die : You die of old age
Ichigo Kurosaki : He hates you
Rukia Kuchiki : She hates you
Soifon : She's your best friend
Gin Ichimaru : He likes you (I like you too. =) )
Kira Izuru : He hates you (Aww...)
Retsu Unohana : She thinks you are annoying
Isane Kotetsu : She helps you a lot
Aizen Sousuke : He wants to kill you (We have a complicated relationship...)
Momo Hinamori : She doesn't care about you
Byakuya Kuchiki : He hates you (I'll take any attention he'll give me. =) )
Renji Abarai : He likes you as a friend
Ise Nanao : You annoy her and she hates you
Koname Tousen : ...*walks away*
Hisagi Shuuhei : He hates you and wants to kill you
Toushiro Hitsugaya : He wants to kill you (Damn chibi...)
Rangiku Matsumoto : She hates you
Kenpachi Zaraki : He wants to fight you (Er, ...b-bring it o-on..? T_T )
Yachiru Kusajishi : She couldn't care less about you
Mayuri Kurotsuchi : He likes you (i feel sorry for you) (SHIT)
Nemu Kurotsuchi : who..?
Ukitake Jyuushirou : He thinks you're an angel
=p If you wanna try it out for yourself, here's the place :
Lemme know how it turns out if you do, 'kays? =)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Heaven On Earth
Your touch Your taste Your breath Your face Your hands Your head You're sweet Your love Your teeth Your tongue Your eye You're mine Your lips You're fine
You're heaven on earth
My favourite kiss Your perfect skin Your perfect smile
You're heaven on earth
I'm in love with you
You're heaven on earth
I'm in love with you
For you
I fall off the edge of my mind I fall off the edge of my mind
For you
You're heaven on earth
I'm in love with you
(I'm so in love)
When I just look at you I feel like I'm gonna jump into heaven
(So in love)
And you'll catch me Catch me if I jump
Will you catch me?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I miss dancing my fingers across the white and black field. =( I miss listening and smiling to my own music, though I am no maestro and am limited to few songs. =(
There's a piano in uni (recently added). I plan to visit it soon, when not many ppl are around. =)
And the other day, I was in a lecture hall making myself hungry by yearning for sushi, escargoes, and huge rock oysters. I saw a tv show about hybrid rock oysters before; man, they look like tumors compared to the normal ones. Freaking huge. But they look YUMMY. =D But the best thing is, I was having these raw food yearnings during my PARASITOLOGY lectures. Go me. =p
I want sushi. =(
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fangirling #3
Won't see him no more. =(
Bur I think I got immune to his brilliance... but was still dazzled one last time. =)
Gonna miss those days.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Fangirling #2
Not today. =)
I had the best seat too. =D
God is good. TvT
Life is good. TTvTT
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
He was so so cute. *blush blush blush*
I had to remind myself to stop smiling like an eejiot and to stop blushing dammit... *blush blush blush*
Thank you, god. Malaysia isn't devoid of cute guys after all.
Thank you. TTvTT
Monday, August 11, 2008
Animax's Youth Festival 2008
So I went around harrassing people for company. Unfortunately, the circle I hang with in IMU are not so enthusiastic as I am about anime/manga; except for Jac, who was still in Sarawak then. =____= It was tough finding people to come along with me, as they had other plans for the weekend and were plainly NOT interested in the fest.
And I wanted to go for all three days; being the greedy nerd that I am. =__="
On Thursday however, I got a surprise; A friend found out about my maniac urge and offered me a ride there as she lives nearby. TT_TT I swear I could've hugged her right there and then. Luckily for her there were several seats seperating us at that time. =p Then I got my much-needed company in Joyce, Jac's sister, although she isn't into anime/manga that much. TvT THANK YOU!!!!! =) So we all agreed to meet up around 4pm on Friday.
Things didn't go all that smoothly the nest day. Joyce had told me that she will end her class late. I thought it would be like, give or take, 10 more minutes later than usual. I was wrong. Not her fault; the facilitator was very clingy, it seemed. Damn you, faci.
I felt so bad for my friend who offered the ride; I am so sorry that you had to wait so long, Serena. =(
Then finally, after Joyce was done and her friend joined us, we were off! Reached there close to 6pm. There wasn't much left there. =.=" I figured maybe this was 'cause it was late. Dang. So we walked around instead and went for dinner at Ajisen. =)
I wanted to go again the next day; Saturday, but Ida couldn't make it. A shame the cosplaying competition wasn't on that day; someone else had offered me a free ride too. =( So I didn't go. Stayed at home and studied instead. Whee. But I got to eat maggi mee which I had cravings for for a long long time... =D Throughout the day I managed to convince Jac to come with me on Sunday, as she was to come back to Kl on that very day. She agreed.
So on Sunday, off we went to 1U, hoping for a good show.
I was disappointed. Terribly disappointed.
I thought that there would be more booths, selling stuff like fanarts, accessories, and what-not, but there were NONE. W. T. F. There was only such ONE booth, and it was by an anime shop so the stuff you buy there isn't worth it or anything special (so I feel) as you can always visit their shop later.
Okay, fine nevermind, I told myself. There's always the cosplaying competition.
They were all sitting on a small stage there and people were photographing them. One of them was me. =D
I could not, for the life of me, recognise who the couple on the left (facing the cameras) were, till Jac told me. Sakura & Syaoran from Tsubasa Chronicles. WTF? And she only figured that out based on the Mokona doll the Sakura cosplayer was holding... OMG... =___='
Reno : Chicks! I got chicks on both sides! >;D
Have no idea who the goth girl is. Jac says she's from Fruits Basket; one of the lead girl's best friends. I HOPE NOT. D:>
Sigh. Only a handful of them turned up. =(
I really admire their guts, dedication and effort though. I especially liked the Reno dude and the one who was Akito from Air Gear. They were the best there, for me. Then there was also the pair from Soul Eater. They were good too. =)
Akito from Air Gear & Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. The Akito cosplayer's so chomel. =)
The pair from Soul Eater. Maka & Prof. Frankeinstein, I think. Btw, she won Best Cosplayer Award there.
Comparing notes. On what, I don't know.
Also have no idea who the cosplayer in pink and the one on the extreme right are supposed to be. If you do, please tell me. =__='
Money-grubbing Kazuku robbing some poor fella.
Oh. Now we know why Kisame's blue, huh?
Kazuku : Stupid freaking cap! Oy, some help here?
Kisame : Oh really? Yeah, yeah I'd love your number...
Haruhi from The Melachony of Haruhi Suzumiya using Maka from Soul Eater to replace Mikuru when her hair-fetish kicks in. =p
Prof Frankeinstein from Soul Eater. Don't SMOKE kids!
The competition was supposed to start at 3.30pm. IT BEGAN SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH LATER BECAUSE THE JUDGES WERE VERY VERY LATE. (I'm slamming on the keyboard so hard here that the dude next to me probably thinks I'm PMS-ing or something) WHAT THE FREAKING HELL IS GOING ON? I could not stay long there; I needed to be home before 5pm, so that meant I had to leave by 4.20pm at least. I could see that everyone was getting pissed and irritated. When the divas finally arrived, it was 4pm. I was seething already; if the judges didn't turn out to be such good sports I would've strangled them all, godammit.
So we managed to watch the first three performances only; which were the Reno dude, some guy as Urahara from Bleach, and another pair as Kisame and Kazuku from Naruto. The Reno guy was okay, I guess. Kinda cute. =p But I have never seen Urahara been so humiliated before... 0.0 What was the dude thinking???? =___="" Jeez.
I will post more about this fest later, 'cos this post has taken me 3 days to compile and I'm sick of it. =p So later I'll start another post and rant more about the fest, 'kays? =)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Quest Achieved!!
Rejoice, people, for it has been accomplished! XD
YUP, I GOT IT! Yay! =D Mozart's piano sonata for 4 hands/two pianos in D major (k448). Best part is, I got two versions of it! =) An original version & one where Nodame and Chiaki played it. Very cool. Plus, I also got Chiaki's Rachmanikoff piece and Beethoven's Spring sonata played by Mine and Chiaki in the anime. =) =) Heavenly.
Spent like the whole week listening to them.... =)
Thanks Jac, for the tip. =)
Life's good.
Malay Cultural Night
There was a Malay Cultural Week going on in IMU and they had a play for the closing. Miza & Ida were acting in it, so off I went to watch it and offer support. =)
They were good. Very good.
The actors and actresses played their roles well; you could feel Ida's aura as 'The Biatch' while Miza was.. very perempuan melayu terakhir. So not like their usual selves at all. I was impressed. =) And their costumes! Cool. They managed to get a bridal shop lend them some costumes (wedding attire) for the play! Very nice. =D
Here we are before the play; me, Saira the makeup artist, Chung Wei the photographer, Ida as The Concubine, & Miza as The Village Girl. Miza hasn't changed into her more glamourous costume... yet.
This is after the play, where sudden, prolonged massive, free-for-all camwhoring melee ensued. If you had a camera and were pointing it somewhere, you'd bet there would be people jumping in front of it. I made the mistake of getting too near. =.="
Ida & Miza 'fighting' over Bikash, me being used as his shield, and Saira who is not in character as the other jealous 'wife'.
Me being disappointed in my 'husband' while apparently the other three 'wives' have made up.
See Miza in different clothes? It was part of the bridal costume she wore. =) She took off the veil, I think. =) Anyways, it was a cool play and all the people involved in it should be proud.
Congratulations on a job excellently accomplished! =D
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lookie at the books I bought the other day when I was back in Malacca!!! WHOOOOHOOO!
Of course I've devoured them all; I only brought 3 back with me to KL. I love Nightseer by Laurell K. Hamilton. =D I think Lothor is too smexy =P ... & Keleios should be thankful, that dratted, lucky woman. >=(
Dune; House Harkonnen was slow in the beginning... but I was patient, and it paid off. All the seemingly seperate stories ended up so interwoven with each other, leading to quite a satisfying end. =)
And I wanna add another rant here. I've actually never been to those cafe which specialize in coffees, like Starbucks and what not. I went to Coffee Bean to kill time that Saturday and, wanting to save money for more guilty pleasures-coughcoughbookscough-, I chose the least expensive drink they offered : Espresso, single. It was RM5. So there I was, waiting for my drink, when the guy placed a saucer on the counter and a reeeally tiny cup. You know, the ones we played masak-masak with when we were younger but this was made of glass with the Coffee Bean logo. That BLOODY tiny. And I thought it was empty, but no, I peeked in, and saw it was only HALF-BLOODY-FULL. WTFF?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sleep Travelling
Yes, we do stuff her in the car boot when there's no space for her to seat. What..? She's happy.
She likes to do weird stuff. Like putting her head outta car windows-
Sorry wrong picture; this is my dog Shadow. She used to be a cute shaggy doggie. Now she's a cute shaggy lazy bear. =_=

Okay this is Denise. Probably the shortest prefect in her school.
Denise has a well let's say, unique habit. This is why I don't sleep with her on the same bed; I surrendered the whole thing to her after several nights; How do you stand it, Beatrix??? D:<

She so does not look like this asleep.
Denise 'goes round the world' when she sleeps. She will travel from her pillows to the end of the bed, to the other end and back again. Heck, once she scared my aunt who was sleeping with her on the floor (on mattresses) by pulling a disappearing trick; rolling under the bed. Still asleep. My aunt woke up to find her gone, and had to drag her back out after finally spotting her under the bed. So dun play-play with her awesome 'sleep-travelling' abilities. =_="
On the other hand, if I'm not sleeping with her and having to fend off her flailing arms & legs, she, when asleep, can offer some interesting sights/poses. She does it all herself, mind you. No arranging limbs or anything on my part.


Closeup. She looks real comfy eh?

I'm sorry for the blurriness; I was laughing. This pose took place a few minutes after the first one.

Damn stylish sleeping pose there...

HAH. This is proof of her 'travelling' abilities. Note the faraway pillow...