Friday, August 8, 2008

Quest Achieved!!

Do you remember my initial post about the Quest For The Elusive Songsheet?

Rejoice, people, for it has been accomplished! XD

YUP, I GOT IT! Yay! =D Mozart's piano sonata for 4 hands/two pianos in D major (k448). Best part is, I got two versions of it! =) An original version & one where Nodame and Chiaki played it. Very cool. Plus, I also got Chiaki's Rachmanikoff piece and Beethoven's Spring sonata played by Mine and Chiaki in the anime. =) =) Heavenly.

Spent like the whole week listening to them.... =)

Thanks Jac, for the tip. =)

Life's good.


Nienna Hime said...

lol no problem :)

you downloaded from that website?

hyelleheri said...

yeah. =)