Monday, March 30, 2009

Glasgow? Galway? HUH?

Many dear friends of mine got their matching results today. Nienna's going to Southampton.

Another dear friend told me she was going to Galway.

Almost no one knew where Galway was. One fellow even asked what it was. =_="

I, for one, was confused and mixed up Galway and Glasgow. XD My poor friend had to explain again and again to me that they were two different universities, each being in two different continents.

There were two of her batchmates screaming elatedly as they were both going to Glasgow, and I plucked at her sleeve (we were looking out for anyone else who was bound for Galway) and exclaimed, "You're going with them! You're going with them!" LOL.

Man, I'm lucky she has loads of self-restraint. If not, I'd be in the ICU by now, being the silat pro she is. So sorry, m'dear. :p

So they'll all be vanishing soon, one by one. :( I'm in a kinda bittersweet mood now, as I'm glad they've all made it but I'm also sad because they'll be leaving. :(

I'm gonna miss them.

So to the M107 PMS students; Congrats!

To my dear friends; Congrats! (and don't you DARE forget me...)

I'm gonna miss y'all. :(

Thursday, March 26, 2009


It's not fair.

It's bad enough that coffee is like cigarettes to me now; they shouldn't be able to give me an almost heart-attack just by meeting my eyes.


I almost died twice.

>.< !! Calm dawn, heart of mine, calm down... T_T

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Forked Path

I'm facing a fork on the road where I stand.


That's more like it...

I don't know which branch to take. Both will converge again into the main road I journey upon.

One leads into uncertainity. I might slip and fall down into a deep, wet ditch. I might find a rainbow in a flower-filled meadow.

The other is more certain. It is straight and true. Nothing will change. And I will glimpse little rays of sunshine from the other path along the way.

Take the former, some say. Brave the challenge; meet it head on. You could gain much.
...But I'm afraid to take the step, and of what might I meet.

Take the latter, some say. Life is good now; why risk the balance you have now?
...But I'm tempted; what would have happened if I chose differently?

So here I am, pondering. Here I am, torn.

I have to choose soon; there's a storm at my back.

Where do I go from here?

Friday, March 20, 2009


It's driving me up the wall.

I had a feeling I shouldn't go to the feedback, but I did anyway. YAY ME.

Never knew I had a thing for self-injury. =_="

Halfway through the super-accelerated question bombing, I wanted to perfrom harakiri already.

Thanks sir.


Everything's not as they seem.

They have secrets hidden in nooks and crannies, and jump out at you with a vengence.

All gone.

All lost.

All down the drain.

Here I am, scattering and tossing points like I don't need every single one of them.


I want to relax, but I think I did that too much already.


I never actually believed that Medicine was difficult.

I know better now.

It's freakishly, irritatingly, tear-reducing, mind-numbing difficult and it's the easiet way to break a person.


I haven't broken.


I'm NOT gonna break.

I'm gonna SEE this HELL through.


So, so long, my social life.

Hello, books and panda-eyes.

* the furniture pics I got from a friend. Nice, no? :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I faced a drought all last week.

Didn't spot him anywhere... and apparently missed him when I went home earlier once. :(

I was sick, and wanted something to cheer me up... and he always does put a smile on my face (albeit a hidden one).

The drought ended yesterday night. :) And the BEST part is, it was totally unexpected.

The best way to find treasures are stumbling into them. :)

Here's to hoping another happy accident will happen today. :D


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jyu Oh Sei


Jyu Oh Sei... only 11 episodes; short and sweet. I was trying to find the 12th and then found out it was only till the 11th. Guh.

The ending was nice though, the twist on Thor I kinda expected, but about Third's erm, truth I didn't expect. :)

I didn't like Tiz and I didn't like her fate either. :(

Not bad an anime, but nothing that special either.

...I LOVE how Thor turns out though. Heh heh.

Okay, back to studying... :(

Friday, March 6, 2009

Guardian Angel

Dear Guardian Angel of mine,

Will the sky be light tomorrow?

Will the weather be warm tomorrow?

Will I see him tomorrow?

Will I be glad tomorrow?

Will I be rid of this unease tomorrow?



Guardian Angel : Will you FINALLY get down to STUDYING tomorrow? Or, preferably, NOW?



Thursday, March 5, 2009

Annual 'Event'

I fell sick. Every year, around this time, I seem to fall really ill; like down-and-out with a mind-numbing fever and a burning body. This year didn't let me down either. >:(

Last weekend, I went home. On Friday, to be precise. My throat was already feeling skritchy then, but hey, I decided it was a minor thing.

Then the bomb dropped on Saturday.

Boy, I woke up Staurday with a mild fever. It quickly rose, and landed me unconcious on the bed for almost the whole day. By the time I woke up, it was late evening and I could only whisper. That's how bad it became. :(

My mum convinced me (I didn't want to go) to see a doctorthat night; so we went to the emergency department at a hospital nearby, since it was around 9pm. LOL, I was like, "The ER? O.O What ever FOR??"

They took my BP with an automated machine which, I swear, almost twisted my arm off. Stupid thing. Then the doctor took a quick look and prescribed me some antibiotics (Augmentin) and some anti-inflammatory lozenges, which by the way, are green and tastes ABSOLUTELY YUCKY.

I got the shock of my life when I saw the bill; freaking RM98.50!! The bloody meds cost Rm63 and the damn consultation was RM30!! What the hell?? Now I understand the saying I heard, "These days it's better to die than get well..." The thought of the bill alone will kill the patient, no need the dangerous chemo and what-nots! =_______=

So I went back to uni, and on Sunday, I was croaking like a landed old crow. =___= Amused a friend till she cried. My fever rose till I felt delirious at night, till I remember waking up at 6am and popping in a Panadol in hopes it'll go down and grabbed a cloth-wrapped piece of ice to melt on my forehead. Then I got a little worried and flipped through the S&S for malaria and dengue, just to prove my fears wrong. After being bitten by mozzies so much till I practically NUKE my room before I sleep in it and hope I survive the fumes, of course there was that tiny nagging fear they might have gotten to me anyways. So of course I had to check. So joint pains, no rash. All clear. I hope. =____=

Now, my fever is almost totally gone and my throat is much better, only that it's easily itchy. So I dry-cough every time I talk or breathe through my mouth. I still have some lozenges left. YUCK.

My nose is threatening to misbehave too, so I'm keeping an eye on it.


Exams are NEXT FREAKING WEEK, and I haven't finished studying.


Till next time, wish me luck.