Sunday, November 23, 2008

Short Tag, Long Comments

Got tagged by The Girl Who Doesn't Do Many Tags, a.k.a. my dear cousin. So I gotta do this one. Lol.


1. Do you think you're hot?
............................sometimes. =___=" I suspect it has to do with my hormone cycles... Haha! I don't dwell on it though. I'm no looker but I ain't a hag either. =) And I'm happy the way I am. =) If I feel not-so-pretty, I ignore the mirror. It works. XD

2. Upload your favourite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
'cause it' not there. =D

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Yesterday! whoot! We came back late from Singapore so we ordered Shakey's. YUM.

5. The last song you listened to?
Hot & Cold by Katy Perry. Not bad.

6. What are you doing now besides this?
Planning my next post and sending mails.

7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
Mrs. Legolas. LOL. Nah, I like my name well enough.

People to tag: (ignore me if you want; I don't mind)
1. Jacqueline Lai
2. Tristan Ng
3. Kay!!
4. Beatrix Ong
5. ....Akeda. =__=" I ran out of people.

8. Who is number one?
A person whose hand and pencil give birth to colonies and colonies and COLONIES of 'ants' on her lecture papers. She can draw really REALLY well; she gave me Neiji's and Sephiroth's portraits. Only thing is, she keeps flashing me with pictures of guys I don't know on her hp. An absolute treasure tho, this one. =D

9. Number 3 is having a relationship with?
A hawt, tall, sexy Aussie hunk. LOL! I don't know; don't kill me Kay!!! XD

10. Say something about number five.
He's my plushie doggie who is, surprisingly, very popular with my girlfriends. I think he's getting more smug by the day, that unfaithful big-nosed ball of synthetic fur...

11. How about number four?
She kicked- no, LANDED on my chest with her two size 8 feet on this day exactly one year ago. Yeah, I HAVEN'T FORGOT. Imagine, you're sleeping peacefully on the floor (with a mattress between) on your back, spread-eagled, when... WHAM! Your sister jumps off her bed onto YOU. Ah, memories.... D:<


12. Who is number two?
A bloody taugeh king. He was, WAS, shorter than me one year, then the next, BOOM, he's like a coconut tree next to me. You'd think someone stretched him out or something... T_T

Okay, tag done!

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