Wednesday, July 30, 2008


For the lack of stuff to write here...

Lookie at the books I bought the other day when I was back in Malacca!!! WHOOOOHOOO!
I got them all, except for Garth Nix's Superior Saturday, at a sale! About RM16 for each; I catapulted to the seventh heaven, man. And all in one day! TvT

Of course I've devoured them all; I only brought 3 back with me to KL. I love Nightseer by Laurell K. Hamilton. =D I think Lothor is too smexy =P ... & Keleios should be thankful, that dratted, lucky woman. >=(

Dune; House Harkonnen was slow in the beginning... but I was patient, and it paid off. All the seemingly seperate stories ended up so interwoven with each other, leading to quite a satisfying end. =)

The Mark of Ran, The Beasts of Barakhai and Flightless Falcon were okay, I guess. Not much to gripe or scream about. But the sequel to The Beasts of Barakhai should be worth checking out, though the book was a little slow... but I've read worse.

And I went to Midvalley last Saturday, and could almost break the wall with my head, I tell you... I saw 3 books that I was waiting for (for like almost 2 years) in paperback and saw another new one I was really really interested in... and I didn't have enough money! T_T I'm such a spoilt brat.. =_=" But I don't spend on much, and only books are my poison. So I guess that's kinda justified in my case (to go ballistic over books)?

So I only got the latter and it turned out pretty good, actually. ^_^ I'm gonna go back to MPH and get the other 3 soon. I KNOW. >:D So just you wait, Drizzt and Wolfcry; I'll be back.

And I wanna add another rant here. I've actually never been to those cafe which specialize in coffees, like Starbucks and what not. I went to Coffee Bean to kill time that Saturday and, wanting to save money for more guilty pleasures-coughcoughbookscough-, I chose the least expensive drink they offered : Espresso, single. It was RM5. So there I was, waiting for my drink, when the guy placed a saucer on the counter and a reeeally tiny cup. You know, the ones we played masak-masak with when we were younger but this was made of glass with the Coffee Bean logo. That BLOODY tiny. And I thought it was empty, but no, I peeked in, and saw it was only HALF-BLOODY-FULL. WTFF?

So there I was, sitting at the lonely table with my spit of coffee while all the other ppl had like jumbo jets of coffee at theirs. =_=" And I had to make mine last for like 3 hours. WTH. What was I to do? Lick at it? =_="

Oh jeez. Longest 3 hours with a cuppa ever.

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