Friday, May 2, 2008

I. Got. Tagged. AGAIN. *Sigh*.

Hmm. Just when I got hit to the side of the head by a tag, another one smacks me on the other right after I recovered. White flag! White flag!!

Whoa. The weather forecast didn't say anything about heavy tagclouds today... But sometimes it's nice standing in the rain. Mind you, not in a heavy downpour (I have experienced walking when it was POURING buckets under a very sad excuse of an umbrella. The said umbrella was close to collapsing and only kept the rain out of my eyes. ONLY)...

Okay, okay, going off-topic. So yeah. Why not, joyce? =)

*deep breath*

Instructions: Remove one question from those below, add in one of your own (personal), to make a total of 20. Tag 10 people in your list at the end of this post. Notify them.

1. At what age do you wish to be married?

Preferably before I die. Not after.

2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you'd take and why?
Currently I only have 2, so I'll bend the rules a little; so I take Joyce(my cuzzin), Jacq, and Legolas. Why? Why not? But I'd rather NOT be stranded and drag other unfortunate souls with me. Though I wouldn't mind if it were just me and the latter....mmm... >:D

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Hmm. I'd like to visit Japan or Paris in this lifetime. =)

4. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I wish I could fly in the skies like a bird. Absurd, I know, but that's mostly what dreams are.

5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Of course! Anybody can survive without money, as long as they have the determination to; read : people in Africa eat mud-cakes to survive. The thing is, would I survive WELL without it? NO. Would I like that? NO.

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Hope. For that is essential for one to live. Without hope, how can one survive? Think about it.

7. If you had a superpower, what would your ability be?
I'd be an immortal. Who can fly. =p

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Yes. Problem is, that Someone is hiding... or stuck in a traffic jam far, far away. =___="

9. What's your addiction?

Pringles and teh tarik. I cannot break free. Nor do I wish to...

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
He must be a HE. =p
He must love me honestly, as a whole person, and I him.
He must not be a junkie, an alcoholic, a womanizer (if he wants kids), a gambler.
He must not make my hair stand when I look at him.

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Inconsiderate people. People who do not pull their share of the work.

12. If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
Yes. I'd take up basketball or dancing.

13. In your own opinion, would you say you are nice or mean?
That depends on when you encounter me. But I'm generally nice to people. I'm not really mean to people; if I do not like someone, I ignore them. I mean, why spend energy on that detestable person? Being mean shows you still care. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to be mean. *shrugs*

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Relationships. Man is not a solitary creature. Thus, family is important to me. Friends too; for friends are the family one can choose.

15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Hmm. I do not splurge or go on shopping sprees that result in miles-long of bills, but I have my moments. Especially with books. Most I bought in one shot was 3.

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My laziness. I am laziness personified. My doing things at the last minute. I'm trying my best to fix this.

17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
I share MOST of my problems with my mom.

18. What's your weakest point?
I tend to leave important stuff to be completed at the last minute. I adore puppies and kitties. I'm not the neatest person in the world. AH WAIT; I cannot spontaneously give deserving people a tongue-lashing. As in, the words I want to scream at another person comes to me a few minutes later.

19. What's the thing that you're most proud of?
I ....have big eyes? @__@ I'm healthy. I have a good life. I'm happy. So I'm glad.

20. Are you a diurnal or a nocturnal person?
I'm semi-nocturnal. I'm NOT a morning person. There're some studies saying that this might be due to genetics.

There! Done! =) I changed the last question.

I tag : Jacq, Beatrix, and you who read this.

Cheers and have fun! =)


syrae said...

oiiii!!!!! i just only createmy blog and already u tag me???? teruk la u...... nvr mind the i`ll try...

syrae said...

oiiii!!!!! i just only createmy blog and already u tag me???? teruk la u...... nvr mind the i`ll try...