Thursday, March 5, 2009

Annual 'Event'

I fell sick. Every year, around this time, I seem to fall really ill; like down-and-out with a mind-numbing fever and a burning body. This year didn't let me down either. >:(

Last weekend, I went home. On Friday, to be precise. My throat was already feeling skritchy then, but hey, I decided it was a minor thing.

Then the bomb dropped on Saturday.

Boy, I woke up Staurday with a mild fever. It quickly rose, and landed me unconcious on the bed for almost the whole day. By the time I woke up, it was late evening and I could only whisper. That's how bad it became. :(

My mum convinced me (I didn't want to go) to see a doctorthat night; so we went to the emergency department at a hospital nearby, since it was around 9pm. LOL, I was like, "The ER? O.O What ever FOR??"

They took my BP with an automated machine which, I swear, almost twisted my arm off. Stupid thing. Then the doctor took a quick look and prescribed me some antibiotics (Augmentin) and some anti-inflammatory lozenges, which by the way, are green and tastes ABSOLUTELY YUCKY.

I got the shock of my life when I saw the bill; freaking RM98.50!! The bloody meds cost Rm63 and the damn consultation was RM30!! What the hell?? Now I understand the saying I heard, "These days it's better to die than get well..." The thought of the bill alone will kill the patient, no need the dangerous chemo and what-nots! =_______=

So I went back to uni, and on Sunday, I was croaking like a landed old crow. =___= Amused a friend till she cried. My fever rose till I felt delirious at night, till I remember waking up at 6am and popping in a Panadol in hopes it'll go down and grabbed a cloth-wrapped piece of ice to melt on my forehead. Then I got a little worried and flipped through the S&S for malaria and dengue, just to prove my fears wrong. After being bitten by mozzies so much till I practically NUKE my room before I sleep in it and hope I survive the fumes, of course there was that tiny nagging fear they might have gotten to me anyways. So of course I had to check. So joint pains, no rash. All clear. I hope. =____=

Now, my fever is almost totally gone and my throat is much better, only that it's easily itchy. So I dry-cough every time I talk or breathe through my mouth. I still have some lozenges left. YUCK.

My nose is threatening to misbehave too, so I'm keeping an eye on it.


Exams are NEXT FREAKING WEEK, and I haven't finished studying.


Till next time, wish me luck.

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