Saturday, March 21, 2009

Forked Path

I'm facing a fork on the road where I stand.


That's more like it...

I don't know which branch to take. Both will converge again into the main road I journey upon.

One leads into uncertainity. I might slip and fall down into a deep, wet ditch. I might find a rainbow in a flower-filled meadow.

The other is more certain. It is straight and true. Nothing will change. And I will glimpse little rays of sunshine from the other path along the way.

Take the former, some say. Brave the challenge; meet it head on. You could gain much.
...But I'm afraid to take the step, and of what might I meet.

Take the latter, some say. Life is good now; why risk the balance you have now?
...But I'm tempted; what would have happened if I chose differently?

So here I am, pondering. Here I am, torn.

I have to choose soon; there's a storm at my back.

Where do I go from here?

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