Saturday, June 7, 2008


A good friend of mine recently lost a loved one. It happened so suddenly and left virtually everyone reeling with shock, whether we knew the desceased or not. I am one of the latter people and still it was a shock to me, for it was so unexpected. I worry for my friend and her family, for what could be worse than losing someone you love?

But what do you say? What do you do? I truly do not know.

I can never truly say that "I understand," for I don't, and I never will, for I believe everyone goes through a different kind of pain and sorrow when losing a loved one, be it a mother, father, sibling, lover, and so on. I may be able to imagine my friend's pain, but I will never know it. So I cannot, and could not, say "I understand," to her. Instead, I said, "Be strong." I do not know if it was the right thing to say. Thinking back now, perhaps I should have said, "You aren't alone," to her. Should I? I really do not know. Feeling helpless and undecided like this really gnaws at me. Frustrates me. I mean, what kind of a friend am I?? I can't even comfort a friend in distress! T_T

I'm so sorry for your loss. ='(

I did not say much; I just didn't know what to say.
I'm so sorry. I just hope that my presence and hugs I gave did give some comfort, no matter how brief or little.

My friend and her family handled this tragedy with such grace and strength. I was truly amazed, for I have never seen anyone mourn so deeply, yet with such quiet dignity. My heart goes out to you, my dear, and your family. I cannot offer you anything else but know that I'm here for you, as are many many more, and we are all praying for you and your loved one's departed soul.

May her soul rest in peace.

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